
Chester at 5:30 am on his 3 month birthday!

The Chester Diaries: Celebrating the feast and famine known as new motherhood.

Welcome to my blog! My name is Lara and I gave birth in April, 2010 to a baby boy. I've been calling him "Chester" since he was a little chestnut in my tummy. To commemorate his three month birthday, I wanted to write about the crazy, joyous and exhausting ride I've been having as a first-time mom. If you're interested in reading about the highs and lows of uncharted mommy territory as well as my unhealthy obsession with shopping, (particularly baby gear), reviews, and pop culture observations, then you've come to the right place. Be warned: This cute kid has a mommy who can be a bit of a potty mouth.

Note: This blog is no longer active but please enjoy Chester's journey from 3 months to 2+ years.

Wednesday, January 12

Teething Time

Poor Chester.  Ever since we got back from out West, he's been crying a lot.  I think it may have to do with teething but this time, he's doing this new thing with his mouth.  Basically, without actually unhinging his jaw, he opens it as WIDE as he can and screams bloody murder.  Not sure where he picked it up, but it's the type of screaming that totally jangles your nerves and makes you drop things.  Or in this case, take pictures. 

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