
Chester at 5:30 am on his 3 month birthday!

The Chester Diaries: Celebrating the feast and famine known as new motherhood.

Welcome to my blog! My name is Lara and I gave birth in April, 2010 to a baby boy. I've been calling him "Chester" since he was a little chestnut in my tummy. To commemorate his three month birthday, I wanted to write about the crazy, joyous and exhausting ride I've been having as a first-time mom. If you're interested in reading about the highs and lows of uncharted mommy territory as well as my unhealthy obsession with shopping, (particularly baby gear), reviews, and pop culture observations, then you've come to the right place. Be warned: This cute kid has a mommy who can be a bit of a potty mouth.

Note: This blog is no longer active but please enjoy Chester's journey from 3 months to 2+ years.

Friday, March 4

Cry me a River

Lots of crying in the past couple of weeks. Everything ends in bitter tears.  It's that raw, full volume crying that makes you drop things.  And it goes on for looong periods of time all throughout the day.  Not sure if it's teething or what the deal is.  But there are tried and true times when he can be counted on to turn in a great performance. This kid definitely should be up for an Academy Award!

Take his feeding sessions.  For the last few days every meal ends in a huge crying jag when I take the jar away. He went from half a jar a feeding only two weeks ago to almost a full one every day this week! And he still cries no matter how much you give him.  The only way to make him stop crying is to distract him.  If he sees the jar taken away, he'll wail.  And if he's still just slightly hungry, he'll cry.  Taking the jar away when he isn't looking won't work.  Don't even try.  I did a little demonstration on video.  Seeing is believing after all.

Now that Chester can stand, it's all he can do to sit still.  Here he is standing up in his playpen today.  A minute before I started recording, he whacked his head pretty good and I put him down on his butt so he wouldn't hurt himself again.  That didn't go over well.  He has absolutely has no interest in sitting or keeping his head safe.  Now it's just standing, falling, banging head. Rinse and repeat.  Would it be bad if I bought him a baby helmet?

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