Last night as a 10 month old. |
Our baby turned 11 months only yesterday and it's pretty hard to believe that almost a year has passed already! To think that he'll be running around soon - and in a new house, no less, is pretty exciting. Guess I need to ramp up my exercise routine or our little ball of energy is going to leave me in the dust!
This month, Chester welcomed a few new guests to his mouth. He seems to have a little family of teeth now. In fact, our dentist checked him out when Tim and I went for our appointments on Monday. (For the last few years, Tim and I usually book our checkups together, but this time we did them back to back so one of us could hold the monster.)
Sitting pretty on Toy Mountain. (Formerly known as the couch) |
I was surprised when the dentist said he would like to take a look at Chester since he has such few teeth. The dentist said it's a good idea to check just to see how his mouth is looking, as it could prevent problems in the future. He came out to the reception area and had a look right there on the spot and proclaimed Chester's mouth to be "beautiful." He said he spotted 8 teeth, even though only 5 have come through. Along with the toothbrush and floss the dentist always gives us at every checkup, he also included a baby toothbrush and a little kit which includes a teether. We're now supposed to brush his teeth every night before bed. I was also told not to give him sweet food at night, which is actually fine since I always start his morning with it. Our hygienist also said that breast milk contains sugar so it's definitely a good thing to brush before putting him to sleep.
I am the master of this remote. MINE! |
Fastest draw in the West. |
Why do you PVR Jersey Shore? PHHBBBTTH!!! |
On a more "entertaining" note, Chester is getting pretty adept with the remote. He always knows which way to point it at the television. In fact, I've tested this many times by handing it to him by the wrong end. He'll automatically turn it the right way to point and click! His favourite channels? MuchVideo, Rogers on Demand (can't wait until he starts ordering movies, yikes!) as well as the Reality Channel, Christian Channel, and the Punjabi Network.
Chester is up to three squares a day. We've introduced a bunch of different new foods including basmati rice and lentils. And it's always a big, crying mess when the food runs out.
With that face? Try taking this jar away... |
Broccoli and lentils. Who knew he'd LOVE such yucky sounding food? |
I don't think he's actually still hungry most of the time. It's just his way of saying he WANTS it. Just like he wants the remote, and the new magazine that's just WAITING to be torn up, or a story book.
Hooray for Fish! |
Speaking of stories, he's finally really digging them. I've been reading to him for months and I might as well be talking to myself for all the interest he's shown. Nowadays he gets super stoked when it's time for a story. He'll hyperventilate and give us the biggest smiles. It truly makes my heart melt.
Other things of note - his head control is definitely improving. There's a lot less gonking in the crib and we've actually seen him catch himself when he's starting to fall, so that's a bit of a relief. He's still doing it on occasion but I suspect that's more for dramatic effect to get out of taking a nap.
Winding Chester up before bed. |
Definitely not mom sanctioned. |
Speaking of naps, I've already mentioned this in previous posts but the most exciting thing EVER?
Chester is finally taking regular naps in his crib in the day! I would call that a LANDMARK achievement! I can't tell you what amazing freedom it is to be able to have the run of the house! I get to actually answer the door, make a phone call, even have a meal, without tiptoeing around. (Not that I'd even DARE to try to make something to eat before.) I was seriously worried about what we were going to do when we moved, but I think the crib napping bodes well for a positive outcome in our new place. (Crossing fingers!)