Chester has been extremely cranky this week. It's been a tough one. The teething is pretty bad. You'll see evidence of this in a couple days when you see the photos! In the meantime, I've been wanting to make a hat for him for months now. To be exact, this
panda hat. I've knit the hat portion. I just have to do the ears. Here are the pics we managed to get in the split second between putting this hat on Chester's head and him ripping it off.
Aww...QQ Panda. |
Note the red blotches. (Teething!) |
I left the string on for now. Keeping it DIY! | |
Our little pin-up boy doing his best Rita Hayworth impression. |
I'll post a finished hat when I get the wool for the ears. However, this particular yarn doesn't come in black so this is going to be one funny looking panda!
Aww poor baby! I can't wait to see the panda hat when it's done!