
Chester at 5:30 am on his 3 month birthday!

The Chester Diaries: Celebrating the feast and famine known as new motherhood.

Welcome to my blog! My name is Lara and I gave birth in April, 2010 to a baby boy. I've been calling him "Chester" since he was a little chestnut in my tummy. To commemorate his three month birthday, I wanted to write about the crazy, joyous and exhausting ride I've been having as a first-time mom. If you're interested in reading about the highs and lows of uncharted mommy territory as well as my unhealthy obsession with shopping, (particularly baby gear), reviews, and pop culture observations, then you've come to the right place. Be warned: This cute kid has a mommy who can be a bit of a potty mouth.

Note: This blog is no longer active but please enjoy Chester's journey from 3 months to 2+ years.

Wednesday, January 26

First World Problems: The Grocery Store Incident

(Image courtesy of

All my friends say I'm Larry David.  Kinda funny considering I'm a woman and neither bald nor old. So to get stuck with this Larry David tag is a bit ridiculous.  But if you know me well, it really is apropos.  When I'm at a restaurant my order is seldom correct, and it seems wherever I go, trouble naturally ensues.  No matter what I'm doing, I'm bound to create a firestorm of controversy.  I can't even go to the grocery store without inciting a near riot.  Case in point:  tonight I'm at Fresh Co. It's late - around 9:30 pm - and the store is nearly empty. At this point, there are more employees on the floor than customers. When I get to the checkout there are only two cashiers.  One is serving someone with many items still to go.  The other, who just happens to my my favourite cashier, is free and there's not another customer for as far as the eye can see.  I reroute and switch to her line. She greets me sweetly and immediately begins to scan my items through.  Near the end, I have her price match a few items.  (Four to be exact.)  Around this point, a woman lines up behind me.

I go through the items quickly and as I'm finishing my last price match, the woman slams her milk bag down onto the conveyer belt as hard as is humanly possible. The heck??? What set her off? My cart is behind me. Intentionally. I do this so weird people without any sense of personal space boundaries don't sidle up beside me and get an eyeful of my PIN. I push my cart towards me, thinking it's possibly standing between her getting her goods onto the conveyer belt? But then I notice an older couple (maybe around 65?) who have now lined up behind her. The man is shaking his head and his wife, who looks like she just sucked on a lemon, is giving me a serious death glare. They are all whispering low and conspiratorially while glancing in my direction.

Now I'm really curious, but I'm also starting to feel really self-conscious and uncomfortable. Am I doing too much price matching? It's not taking any time at all. I have my items organized, my flyers out, the pages ready and the cashier is going through it as fast as I can present them. The whole process takes under a minute so what the heck?!? I still can't figure out why everyone is so irate. I start to bag my groceries while the old woman shoots evil glances my way. Her husband continues to shake his head - to the point I'm wondering if he has some sort of medical condition. Milk Bag Thrower finishes her transaction and leaves in a huff, all the while refusing to look at me which is wise on her part as I'm dying to get to the bottom of this and I'm ready to go toe to toe with her.

The old woman behind her hoists a giant jug of fake cranberry cocktail off the belt and departs, leaving her husband to pay. He gives another head shake while he's punching in his PIN and just when he finishes bagging his groceries, he adds the kicker by throwing one last dramatic head flourish in for good measure before turning to leave. At this point I snap.  "What are you shaking your head about?"

He wheels around in a flash.  "Well, you're a very rude person."
"ME?!? That's RICH, Shakey. You're the one having a seizure while your wife's been giving me the evil eye. And I'm rude?"  
He interjects.  "You're in the express lane."


Now this is where things could have gone differently. Instead of slamming milk down, head shaking, and pulling a face like you just ate a steaming dog turd, why not just calmly say, "Excuse me, this is the express line." How hard would that have been? But that's not what happened. I have ample reason why the man standing before me has lost an extra two minutes of his life at my hands.  Truth be told, I had no clue. I'm tired. It's late. I haven't eaten dinner. I got my period right before I left the house and the cramps are kicking in. Plus I already went grocery shopping the night before so this is the last place I want to be. I just wasn't paying attention and it totally escaped me. Chalk it up to full on mommybrain. An honest (albeit stupid) mistake. But looking at the sour mug on this guy, do you think any of it would compute? And do I really care to offer an excuse after all this bullshit? At this point I'm just angry and there's no way in hell I'm going to apologize. Instead I offer:

"Well, when I got up here, there was no one in line so I can't see how it affected you since I was almost checked out by the time you arrived."

Shakey McTurd just stares and then says, "You've got a bit of an attitude."

"Oh, you THINK??!@????" I fire back.

At this point Shakey realizes he can't win. He turns tail and scurries off in a hurry. I call after him (loudly):

"Hey!  Shakey McFuckin' Shakerson?" 
Still walking.  Ignoring me.  
Even louder now.  (Ok, yelling.) "Why don't you go and FUCK YOURSELF???"
Not my proudest moment. Or the best of comebacks but that's all I can come up with on short notice.

At any rate, Shakey might have feared for his life, realizing it wasn't smart to poke the bear.  He keeps walking and doesn't look back. I turn around to finish bagging my groceries and notice that no one in line is looking at me. They've got their eyes studiously averted. Like I'm that crazy guy in the subway car who you painfully avoid making eye contact with. Oh boy. How embarrassing.  I clock the sign above the checkout.

1 - 16 items.

Well hell. Feeling about two inches tall, I turn to the cashier and say quietly, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were an express line."  She comes to life. No sweetness here. "Yes." She says snottily, in a loud voice. "I am."

Really?  Now you decide to finally grow a backbone and speak up instead of telling me when I arrived? Jeebus.  Favourite cashier status revoked.  "Well, I wish you had told me," is all I can manage.

So here's my point: Do I feel good at screaming and cussing out an old man at a grocery store? No. Absolutely not. Would I do it again? Hell yes. And here's why. If you see some boorish asshole in line at the grocery store with 27 items on the belt, namely me - a frazzled tired mom who's starving and feeling like shit - don't bust out the torches and pitchforks and get yourself worked up into an apoplectic fit that you end up popping a vein. Tell the person.  Nicely if at all possible. There's a good chance they haven`t a clue. Isn't it better to have someone learn from their mistakes instead of just seething with rage while they continue on completely unaware? By all means, pull the meanest face you can muster, shake your head until it falls off. And if you want to throw down your milk? Knock yourself out. A good loud bang will probably get me to pay attention since the other passive acts of aggression would have gone wholly unnoticed. At least I'll get the satisfaction of knowing your milk will leak all the way home. You'll probably lose sleep over it too and tell everyone about the rude lady in line who went over the limit by 11 items (gasp!) and then SWORE at you. But will you stop to think for even a moment that you could have handled the situation differently? That maybe there were other circumstances at play? Doubtful. If you don't want to be part of the solution, you're just part of the problem. In my case, I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me but at least I tried to find out what that issue was. I bet most people wouldn't even notice or give a rat's ass.


  1. I do't even know where to begin!

    First, I absolutely can see that it was an innocent mistake - anyone could have made it, under less stressful conditions! And it was absolutely the cashier's duty to inform you that it was the express lane - by failing to do so, she doesn't become part of the problem: she creates the problem.

    And a big middle finger to the milk slammer and head shakers - if you're not going to pipe up, and be courteous about it - then retract into your shell and STFU.

    However, what the hell girl! Shouting at old people? Virtual slap on the wrist! I think it's safe to say that you learned your own lesson in humility and would likely have acted differently, if you weren't tired/hungry/crampy/cranky. Everyone deserves a hall pass and I think this one may be yours - particularly when it comes to express lane escapades. Bet you'll always look twice from now on!

    1. I think the worst is being stuck behind a customer who doesn't know how to use the freakin' debit machine. Welcome to the 21st century, moron.

      Oops, did I just say that? STFU! (This will forever remind me of the Tombliboos.)

      And ditto re. wrist slap.

  2. ha! thanks for your comments my twin! you are so right about that cashier! and those customers were UNREAL. that's how i imagine an angry mob to be like (if a mob consisted of only 3 people.) they were almost foaming at the mouth! but yes, no excuse for the way i acted and certainly NOT my finest hour! and yes! i def. will look twice anytime i approach a checkout aisle from now on! LOL! xoxo

    1. I am pretty conscientious about using the express lane. But if I noticed I'm over by a couple of items when I'm already in line, I don't care. We all have places to be and things to do. It's especially annoying when there are only two cashiers. What if the bar code wasn't scanning properly and the cashier had to call for a price check? That can be just as frustrating and people will hum and hah just the same.

      By the way, I'm so glad Lena told me about your blog. You.Are.Hilarious!

    2. Thanks so much Diana! I am happy you enjoyed my story! You're right about having only two cashiers. It probably didn't help the situation at all!

  3. Now I'm a little bit embarrassed because I've been the shaky Mcshakerson. However... I have blurted out, in a passive aggressive way, and mostly at the air, 'ummm isnt this the EXPRESS line?' the. Difference is, you were open to feedback, while most people would sniff and mentally flip me the bird.

    Also, once I was in longos and I was tweeting some very important messages. And this asshold yells 'Excuse me. Can you get off that goddammed phone? You're holding up all the aisles. There's no way you're THAT important.' ( no, it wasn't my husband. Just some random guy and I feel bad for his wife). So I said, ''what do you know about me? Maybe I am important.' and then I made sure to stand still and browse the anchovies right in front of his cars.

    1. wow! you were pretty nice to that guy. how rude! what is it with the grocery aisle that makes people think they can just act whatever way they like? i try to go later in the evening to avoid the crowds but I think after hearing your "incident" i'm going to approach the grocery store line with a little more caution from now on! =)

  4. OMG.. I am laughing so hard right now- I might just pee myself...Your are fuckin hilarious (should I have said freaken).. My family and friends call me 'eddie' as in Eddie Murphy because I curse/swear - whatever you wanna call it.. LOL.. sometimes I cant help it...haha. Most people only wish they had some balls.. save the stink eye and speak up !! others may appreciate it !

    1. thanks for the vote of confidence. i really did feel like a big jerk but those customers were really over the top! if i was less tired and feeling less "emotional" i'm sure i would have just kept my mouth shut and let it bother me for a long time but i'm glad i asked him what was up. even though his answer - and my reaction - was a shock! =)

  5. That was seriously one of the funniest things I have read in a long time !!! I fuckin laughed so hard !! I love that you have the balls to speak up.. If people want to shoot the stink eye - then they should be prepared for whatever comes after...LOL I honestly can say I think I would have handled it the same way... good or bad... :)

  6. Whoa, people really need a pill. I'm not sure I would have reacted the way you did, but around here if the express lane is open they'll call over people with full grocery loads.

    And really? You were done when they got there so they can shove it.

    1. hehe thanks Neeroc. i wish i had been as succinct as you at the time. my witty repartee - and namecalling - wasn't world class to be sure. lol...

  7. Many times I have used express knowing was one or two items over - simply b/c the only other cashier was 3 in waiting and they all had a cart-full. There are exceptions to the case, and you had good reason! Besides, what would they do? kick you out for it?

    Great post, I needed the laugh today, so happy Lena made the introduction, new reader!!

    1. hi Tammi! so happy that you enjoyed my post - and actually had a laugh! i've been following your blog for months now (and am also a Google+ follower) so i'm so happy that you stopped by!

      all i can say is you are way more courageous than I could ever be! i see the sign and i count my items and if i'm 1 over i'll go to another line. i'm a total wimp that way! so to have this happen - and me sitting there cavalierly with my flyers, price matching as you please. ugh. BAD! i was actually at No Frills and noticed that there express line says "NO PRICE MATCHING IN THE EXPRESS LINE." so double oops. i don't think Fresh Co. has the same policy but still - it didn't help the situation.

      next time if i'm 1 or 2 items over, i might take a cue from you and muster up some courage. it would be funny if someone called me out on being one item over! =)

  8. Bwhaha Oh I'm sorry but I am so laughing along as I read this story! I'm guessing old man and milk thrower would never have messed with you if they knew you were a new Mama in a tired, cranky and crampy state! I say, they learned a lesson:)

    PS Lena sent me over here. So glad she did! Following now!

    1. hi Stephanie!

      thanks so much for following me! i've had my tiny little following of family members and friends (like our lovely Lena) for so long time now without that number ever changing so i'm super ecstatic to have a new addition! i'm so glad it made you laugh!

      Milk Thrower got off easy but hopefully her bags leaked and she had to go out and buy more. ;)

  9. First let me say i like your attitude!!!Ok well now I don't feel so bad! I really don't think there is a written rule in stone about the express lanes seriously!!! and if ther is bring it on!!!Are they going to refuse my $$$$ I don't think so..... I too have had the number police try and nab me at the cash!(and I have noticed that they are mostly seinors (fuck get a job if all you want to do is bitch at me I have a job kids house chores etc....) all I can say is get another cashier because the store is packed and this had the shortest line and yes I am tired stressed and didn't notice the sign either my bad!! (your blogs kicks ass!!!)(thanks Listen to Lena for the tip) Allie

  10. I could forgive Shakey McShakerson but that cashier needs a major attitude adjustment. If she didn't speak up when you first got in line, she shoulda kept her yap shut after, the traitorous beyotch.
