Chester was extremely cranky tonight.
He HATES the playpen but ever since we put it in the dining room displaying that huge evergreen, he's been happy as a clam. Until today. The little guy just wasn't having it and he made it clear to everyone within a 5 mile radius!
But that's not the reason for this post. (If that was the case, I'd have to post multiple times each day!) In between crying jags, Chester WALKED from one side of his playpen to the other! Ok, it was only a couple steps but that's why they call it the "first steps" right? Plus, he did it without holding on to anything. In fact, it could have easily been missed since he didn't fall or make a big deal of it AT ALL. I don't know if it actually counts since he had such a short amount of space and didn't need to muster up any courage to really walk, but we'll count it as a precursor to the real thing for now. I think we're close. Prepare for all hell to break loose!